Community Service and Events

Christmas Bureau
The White Elephant has had a longstanding relationship with the Christmas Bureau - an annual holiday assistance program coordinated by Catholic Charities Eastern Washington, Volunteers of America, and the Spokesman-Review. The program is made possible by generous monetary funds and volunteer hours donated by community members and organizations. In 2023 they will celebrate their 77th anniversary!

Toys for Toys
We were honored to host the Marine Corps Toys for Tots at our Spokane Valley White Elephant during the 2020 Christmas season. Our employees and family pitched in using our expansive space to sort and distribute toys in support of families in need at Christmas.

Supporting Education
The Nazareth Guild supports Catholic schools in eastern Washington in their efforts to offer an excellent academic education offering tuition assistance grants to students who cannot afford the full cost of tuition.

Santa's Return
This 13 foot Santa once graced the awning of the Crescent Department Store in downtown Spokane as part of a magical Christmas display. After the Crescent closed, Santa continued for 32 years welcoming Christmas shoppers to the White Elephant store on East Sprague. Santa was reunited in 2020 been reunited with the Crescent window displays that have been brought back to life at the Davenport Grand. We are indebted to the Davenport Hotel for the opportunity to return Santa to a home where he will be cared for, protected, and readily available for the enjoyment of future generations.
Isidore Reunited

A Lovely Day for a Parade